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6-Zoll-Tauchpumpen Baureihe 140 RHX


Sandtoleranz 100 g/m³
Submersible pumps 6'' floating impeller 140 RHX
6'' 50 - 60 Hz

Radial submersive pumps - High efficiency

The radial pumps in the RHX range are made entirely of microcast AISI 304 stainless steel and represent the most advanced and high-performance solution in the radial range. The radial solution, which has a very small footprint in the axial direction, allows the use of a high number of stages, with the consequence of obtaining very high heads with the same diameter. The diffuser, thanks to the extended blade system up to the outlet of the impeller, allows the water to follow a compulsory trajectory with a consequent increase in performance and hydraulic efficiency. The stage consists of: impeller, diffuser, cone and ring nut, intermediate bush, wear ring, o-ring. In this type of pump, the impellers are fixed to the pump shaft by the cone and ring nut, thus avoiding key cutting and the associated weakening of the shaft. The diffuser body is locked to each other by n° 8 captive screws.

Baureihe 140 RHX

Flow rates up to 50 m³/h, powers up to 37 Kw, head up to 682 m.

140 RHX15

140 RHX19

140 RHX24

140 RHX30

Diffuser, suction cage, valve body and impellers in micro-cast stainless steel EN 1.4301 (AISI 304)
Pump shaft in stainless steel EN 1.4301 (AISI 304)
Bushings, wear rings, valve gasket in NBR rubber.
On request, hydraulics in AISI 316 and DUPLEX 1.4462 can be supplied
Pompa sommersa da 6 pollici Serie 140 RHX
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