Zone Réservée Zone Réservée
IT | DE | EN | ES | FR | PL
4'' - séries 95 PR, 95 SX, 95 REC
6'' - séries 140 PR, 140 PS
6'' – 12'' acier inoxydable coulé - séries SX, RSX
6'' – 10'' en fonte - série REC
Panelli Srl: pompes immergées
4'' - en bain d'huile
6'' – 10'' - en bain d’eau, rebobinables
Panelli Srl: Submersible motors
Excellence Italienne dépuis 1906

Panelli: conception et production de pompes et moteurs immergés dépuis 1906.Grace à la plus moderne technologie de production automatique et assemblage robotisé Panelli est capable d’offrir des performances hydraulique très élevées avec un rapport qualité/prix fort compétitif: fabriqué en Italie.

Dernières nouvelles de notre blog
New 50Hz catalogue 2024
New 50Hz catalogue 2024

The 2024 product catalogue is finally here! We have expanded our offer to meet the needs of the market and our customers. Don't miss the opportunity to discover all the new products!

Product: Submersible pumps - new 6 inches RHX series
Product: Submersible pumps - new 6 inches RHX series

We are excited to announce the release of our latest product: the 140 RHX range! Available from June, these radial electric pumps are the most advanced and powerful solution in the RX series. Made entirely of micro-cast AISI 304 stainless steel, the 140 RHX series offers an advanced, high-performance solution for a wide range of applications.

Application: Offshore
Application: Offshore

AISI 316 and Duplex SX range combined with HD submersible motors to overcome any challenge. The right products for the harshest and most corrosive environments. Heavy Duty motors with a more durable construction capable of handling all water movement activities on offshore platforms.

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